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Greening the youth sector. Sustainability checklist.

Description: The sustainability checklist has been developed to serve as a set of guidelines for the youth sector. It is based on a desk review of existing literature, guidelines, …
Subject Area: , , , ,
Author: Tumėnaitė N.
Time to read: 111 min
Date Added: 09-04-2022
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Methodologies for the future − a guide to develop education for sustainable development

Description: This material is intended as a source of inspiration and support for teachers and trainers to develop forms, tools and methodologies that will develop action competence for sustainability …
Subject Area: , , ,
Time to read: 360 min
Date Added: 09-04-2022
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Study – Environmental footprint of the digital world

Description: The study focuses on quantification of the global environmental footprint and its evolution between 2010 and 2025. Proposes a hierarchy of the impact sources and recommendations for minimizing …
Subject Area: , , ,
Author: Bordage F.
Time to read: 54 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
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LEAN ICT – Towards Digital Sobriety

Description: Report of the working group for the think tank the Shift Project, which reflects on the possibilities for generating synergy between digital and energy transition. It aims at …
Subject Area: , , , ,
Time to read: 250 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
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The Causes of Climate Change

Description: This OER presents the Greenhouse effect The students will be able to understand what are the causes of climate change, to analyze graphs, images that show evidence and …
Subject Area: ,
Author: 1. IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, 2014 United States Global Change Research Program, “Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States,” Cambridge University Press, 2009 Naomi Oreskes, “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change,” Science 3 December 2004: Vol. 306 no. 5702 p. 1686 DOI: 10.1126/science.1103618 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: “Climate Impacts on Agriculture and Food Supply” 3. Mike Lockwood, “Solar Change and Climate: an update in the light of the current exceptional solar minimum,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2 December 2009, doi 10.1098/rspa.2009.0519; Judith Lean, “Cycles and trends in solar irradiance and climate,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, vol. 1, January/February 2010, 111-122.
Time to read: 50 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
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Overview of Climate Change Science

Description: This OER is a product of The EPA- Environmental Protection Agency, that explores the topic of climate change and global warming, Greenhouse Gases, Extreme Weather, the Climate Impacts …
Subject Area: ,
Author: EPA- Environmental Protection Agency
Time to read: 30 min
Date Added: 07-04-2022
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Teach Online to Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

Description: This OER is a product of WizIQ which is a cloud-based education platform to access teaching and training modules through smartphones and laptops. The students will find out that eLearning helping …
Subject Area: , , ,
Time to read: 30 min
Date Added: 07-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
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Climate Change: How Do We Know?

Description: Presents the evidence for rapid climate change The students will be able to understand what are the evidences of climate change, to analyze graphs, images that show this …
Subject Area: ,
Author: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers. B.D. Santer, “A search for human influences on the thermal structure of the atmosphere,” Nature vol 382, 4 July 1996, 39-46 Gabriele C. Hegerl, “Detecting Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climate Change with an Optimal Fingerprint Method,” Journal of Climate, v. 9, October 1996, 2281-2306
Time to read: 60 min
Date Added: 07-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
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How to reduce my carbon footprint?

Description: Eating, travelling, heating your home… What’s the carbon footprint of these activities and how can we make more climate-friendly choices? The article offers the opportunity to calculate the …
Subject Area: ,
Author: Bernard Hermant
Time to read: 30 min
Date Added: 07-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
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The consequences of climate change

Description: This OER is a product of The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America that explores the topic of climate change and its consequences: economic …
Subject Area: ,
Author: Juan-Carlos Ciscar, Ana Iglesias, Luc Feyen, László Szabó, Denise Van Regemorter, Bas Amelung, Robert Nicholls, Paul Watkiss, Ole B. Christensen, Rutger Dankers, Luis Garrote, Clare M. Goodess, Alistair Hunt, Alvaro Moreno, Julie Richards, and Antonio Soria
Time to read: 30 min
Date Added: 06-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
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Environment: treading lightly on the Earth

Description: This OER is a product of The Open University This course, Environment: treading lightly on the Earth, focuses on the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide …
Subject Area: ,
Author: The Open University
Time to read: 30 min
Date Added: 06-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
DigComp competence:

Green Algorithms: Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of Computation

Description: A methodological framework to estimate the carbon footprint of any computational task in a standardized and reliable way is presented and metrics to contextualize GHG emissions are defined
Subject Area: , , , ,
Author: Lannelongue, L., Grealey, J., and Inouye, M.
Time to read: 150 min
Date Added: 06-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
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A Methodology for Saving Energy in Educational Buildings Using an IoT Infrastructure

Description: This article describes a methodology for achieving energy savings in schools based on the utilization of data produced by an IoT infrastructure installed inside school buildings and related …
Subject Area: , , , ,
Author: Georgios Mylonas, Dimitrios Amaxilatis, Stelios Tsampas, Lidia Pocero
Time to read: 90 min
Date Added: 01-03-2022
DigComp competence area:
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