Title: Green Algorithms: Quantifying the Carbon Footprint of Computation


A methodological framework to estimate the carbon footprint of any computational task in a standardized and reliable way is presented and metrics to contextualize GHG emissions are defined



A methodological framework to estimate the carbon footprint of any computational task in a standardized and reliable way is presented and metrics to contextualize GHG emissions are defined

Subject Area: 1. Natural sciences, 2. Engineering and technologyComputer and information sciences, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, Physical sciences

Education Level: Higher education

Education Use: Professional development

Author: Lannelongue, L., Grealey, J., and Inouye, M. Date added: 06-04-2022

Language: EN

Publisher/Institution: Advanced science

License type: Creative Commons-Attribution (CC BY)

Primary User: Teacher

Learning resource type (IEEE LOM): Narrative Text (theory)

Technical type (IEEE LOM): TextDocument

Time to read: 150min

Learning outcomes:

  • Have a general understanding of Carbon Footprint
  • Evaluate the energy consumption of digital services in use

DigComp competence area: 1. Information and data literacy1.3 Managing data, information and digital content

DigComp proficiency level: 4.Tasks, and well defined and non-routine problems

Link: http://10.1002/advs.202100707

Key words: Artificial Intelligence, carbon footprint, computation, Green algorithms




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