Title: How to reduce my carbon footprint?


Eating, travelling, heating your home… What’s the carbon footprint of these activities and how can we make more climate-friendly choices?
The article offers the opportunity to calculate the carbon footprint and understand the impact of our daily work on this indicator for a sustainable future



Eating, travelling, heating your home… What’s the carbon footprint of these activities and how can we make more climate-friendly choices?
The article offers the opportunity to calculate the carbon footprint and understand the impact of our daily work on this indicator for a sustainable future

Subject Area: 1. Natural sciencesEarth and related environmental sciences

Education Level: Secondary school

Education Use: Instruction/curriculum, Assessment, Informal education

Author: Bernard Hermant Date added: 07-04-2022

Language: EN

Publisher/Institution: European youth portal

License type: Public Domain

Primary User: Teacher

Learning resource type (IEEE LOM): Narrative Text (theory)

Technical type (IEEE LOM): TextHypertext

Time to read: 30min

Learning outcomes:

  • Have a general understanding of Carbon Footprint
  • Have a general understanding of Energy Efficiency
  • Have a general understanding of Sustainability
  • Recognize the processes that involve the use of digital services and equipment
  • Evaluate the ability of management to make green purchases
  • Evaluate the energy efficiency of internal processes
  • Create a list of behaviors to check
  • Evaluate people’s behaviors
  • Interview people to evaluate behaviors

DigComp competence area: 1. Information and data literacy1.3 Managing data, information and digital content

DigComp proficiency level: 4.Tasks, and well defined and non-routine problems

Link: https://europa.eu/youth/get-involved/sustainable%20development/how-reduce-my-carbon-footprint_en

Key words: carbon footprint, clothing, energy and waste, food, Sustainable Development, transport




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