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Tο ενεργειακό σπίτι του Σωκράτη και ο έξυπνος κάδος

Description: Η εκπαίδευση για τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη είναι ένας πολύ σημαντικός και πολύπλευρος στόχος, που για την επίτευξή του απαιτείται διεπιστημονική και διαθεματική προσέγγιση. Προϋποθέτει εξοικείωση με έναν νέο …
Subject Area: , , , , ,
Author: Mπεσίρη Δήμητρα, Δρόσος Νίκος, Τσούκα Σωτηρία
Time to read: 120 min
Date Added: 09-06-2023
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A whole-school approach to learning for environmental sustainability

Description: This paper addresses the whole-school approach to sustainability by summarizing the latest research and leading experiences with the objective of informing policy development and related activities. It offers …
Subject Area: , , ,
Time to read: 69 min
Date Added: 09-04-2022
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Study – Environmental footprint of the digital world

Description: The study focuses on quantification of the global environmental footprint and its evolution between 2010 and 2025. Proposes a hierarchy of the impact sources and recommendations for minimizing …
Subject Area: , , ,
Author: Bordage F.
Time to read: 54 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
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Advancing education for sustainable development Key success factors for policy and practice.

Description: The handbook reveals 12 clusters of key conclusions which can serve as lessons or recommendations for stakeholders seeking to establish or enhance ESD policy and practice. It provides …
Subject Area: , , ,
Author: Whitby A.
Time to read: 220 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
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LEAN ICT – Towards Digital Sobriety

Description: Report of the working group for the think tank the Shift Project, which reflects on the possibilities for generating synergy between digital and energy transition. It aims at …
Subject Area: , , , ,
Time to read: 250 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
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This video is bad for climate change: Thank you for watching!

Description: A case study on digital habits and consumptions and the impact they have on climate footprint. Specifical focus is made on smartphones, data centers and networks need energy …
Subject Area: , ,
Author: TheShiftProject
Time to read: 6 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
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The environmental footprint of the digital world

Description: This study focuses on the quantification of the global digital environmental footprint and its evolution between 2010 and 2025. After an introduction on the digital world and its …
Subject Area: , ,
Author: Bordage F., Abrikh F., Antoine A.
Time to read: 90 min
Date Added: 07-04-2022
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