Title: The environmental footprint of the digital world


This study focuses on the quantification of the global digital environmental footprint and its evolution between 2010 and 2025. After an introduction on the digital world and its 3 tiers (users, data centres and networks), chapter 2 gives an overview of the environmental impact of digital devices. Thanks to a close and detailed study of the number of digital devices produced and in use, Chapter 3 provides data and statistics about the 2010-2025 period, proving the sharp increase of digital footprint.
The study ends with recommendations on how to reduce the environmental footprint of the digital world by 2030.



This study focuses on the quantification of the global digital environmental footprint and its evolution between 2010 and 2025. After an introduction on the digital world and its 3 tiers (users, data centres and networks), chapter 2 gives an overview of the environmental impact of digital devices. Thanks to a close and detailed study of the number of digital devices produced and in use, Chapter 3 provides data and statistics about the 2010-2025 period, proving the sharp increase of digital footprint.
The study ends with recommendations on how to reduce the environmental footprint of the digital world by 2030.

Subject Area: 1. Natural sciencesComputer and information sciences, Earth and related environmental sciences

Education Level: Higher education

Education Use: Informal education

Author: Bordage F., Abrikh F., Antoine A. Date added: 07-04-2022

Language: EN

Publisher/Institution: GreenIT.fr

License type: Creative Common – Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)

Primary User: Teacher

Learning resource type (IEEE LOM): Narrative Text (theory)

Technical type (IEEE LOM): TextDocument

Time to read: 90min

Learning outcomes:

  • Acquire data relating to the consumption of the equipment present (01 Introduction: p. 04-06 + 03 Evolution from 2010 to 2025: p. 19-27)
  • Evaluate the carbon footprint of devices and their production (02 Footprint: p. 7-18 + 03 Evolution from 2010 to 2025: p. 19-27)
  • Create a list of services to be checked (03.3 The special case of connected objects and television sets: p. 23-24)
  • Create a list of behaviors to check (04 Recommendations: p. 28-35)

DigComp competence area: 4. Safety4.4 Protecting the environment

DigComp proficiency level: 4.Tasks, and well defined and non-routine problems

Link: https://www.greenit.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/GREENIT_EENM_etude_EN_accessible.pdf

Key words: Digital World, Footprint, Footprint evolution, recommendations




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