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Tο ενεργειακό σπίτι του Σωκράτη και ο έξυπνος κάδος

Description: Η εκπαίδευση για τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη είναι ένας πολύ σημαντικός και πολύπλευρος στόχος, που για την επίτευξή του απαιτείται διεπιστημονική και διαθεματική προσέγγιση. Προϋποθέτει εξοικείωση με έναν νέο …
Subject Area: , , , , ,
Author: Mπεσίρη Δήμητρα, Δρόσος Νίκος, Τσούκα Σωτηρία
Time to read: 120 min
Date Added: 09-06-2023
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Eight ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint

Description: Whether it’s from doing things like burning fossil fuels through driving, cranking up the furnace or grilling a steak, we are all responsible for releasing carbon dioxide into …
Subject Area: ,
Author: Whether it’s from doing things like burning fossil fuels through driving, cranking up the furnace or grilling a steak, we are all responsible for releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is called our carbon footprint. When we collectively produce more carbon than the planet can absorb, the extra CO2 contributes to climate change.
Time to read: 15 min
Date Added: 09-04-2022
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Energy audit handbook

Description: This comprehensive Energy Audit Handbook as a step-by-step guide to energy auditing. It will benefit all organisations considering or carrying out an energy audit; regardless of sector, size …
Subject Area: , , , ,
Time to read: 192 min
Date Added: 09-04-2022
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ResourceSmart Schools. Energy audit tool.

Description: The manual introduces to energy consumption at schools, supports conducting a student-led energy audit in school building. It provides activities and resources for recording information on energy use, …
Subject Area: , , , ,
Time to read: 29 min
Date Added: 09-04-2022
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Methodologies for the future − a guide to develop education for sustainable development

Description: This material is intended as a source of inspiration and support for teachers and trainers to develop forms, tools and methodologies that will develop action competence for sustainability …
Subject Area: , , ,
Time to read: 360 min
Date Added: 09-04-2022
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This video is bad for climate change: Thank you for watching!

Description: A case study on digital habits and consumptions and the impact they have on climate footprint. Specifical focus is made on smartphones, data centers and networks need energy …
Subject Area: , ,
Author: TheShiftProject
Time to read: 6 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
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