Title: ResourceSmart Schools. Energy audit tool.


The manual introduces to energy consumption at schools, supports conducting a student-led energy audit in school building. It provides activities and resources for recording information on energy use, data analysis and finding ways to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.



The manual introduces to energy consumption at schools, supports conducting a student-led energy audit in school building. It provides activities and resources for recording information on energy use, data analysis and finding ways to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.

Subject Area: 1. Natural sciences, 2. Engineering and technologyComputer and information sciences, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, Systems engineering

Education Level: Primary school

Education Use: Instruction/curriculum

Date added: 09-04-2022

Language: EN

Publisher/Institution: Sustainability Victoria

License type: Creative Commons-Attribution (CC BY)

Primary User: Student, Teacher

Learning resource type (IEEE LOM): Guidelines

Technical type (IEEE LOM): TextDocument

Time to read: 29min

Learning outcomes:

  • Have a general understanding of Energy Efficiency
  • Create a list of equipment to be checked;
  • Acquire data relating to the consumption of the equipment present
  • Analyze the data
  • Develop an energy efficiency improvement plan
  • Present the results

DigComp competence area: 4. Safety4.4 Protecting the environment

DigComp proficiency level: 4.Tasks, and well defined and non-routine problems

Link: https://assets.sustainability.vic.gov.au/susvic/ResourceSmart-Schools-Energy-audit-tool.pdf

Key words: basic energy audit, comprehensive energy audit energy consumption at school, Energy efficiency




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