Title: Is the internet sustainable?


How can internet be insustainable



How can internet be insustainable

Subject Area: 1. Natural sciencesComputer and information sciences

Education Level: Secondary school

Education Use: Informal education

Date added: 09-04-2022

Language: EN

Publisher/Institution: Our Changing Climate

License type: Public Domain

Primary User: Student, Teacher

Learning resource type (IEEE LOM): Presentation

Technical type (IEEE LOM): Streaming MediaVideo

Time to read: 8min

Learning outcomes:

  • Have a general understanding of Carbon Footprint

DigComp competence area: 4. Safety4.4 Protecting the environment

DigComp proficiency level: 4.Tasks, and well defined and non-routine problems

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Byl87SBFoo8

Key words: “Internet”, environmental impact, Footprint





Oct 11, 2023 – very good

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