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Εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας σε αίθουσα εργαστηρίων

Description: Με τον controller έχουμε Για την είσοδο στην τάξη πατάμε το κουμπί 0 και οπλίζουν όλα τα ρελε (ΕΧΕΙ ΥΛΟΠΟΙΗΘΕΊ ΚΑΙ ΜΕ RFID CARD) Για την έξοδο πάλι …
Subject Area: ,
Time to read: 20 min
Date Added: 09-06-2023
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Έξυπνο σπίτι

Description: Με δεδομένη την υπάρχουσα παγκόσμια κατάσταση στο ενεργειακό πεδίο κρίνεται επιτακτική η θωράκιση των σπιτιών μας ούτως ώστε να καταναλώνουν όσο το δυνατόν λιγότερη ενέργεια. Αυτό μπορεί να …
Subject Area: , , ,
Author: Παπαθανασίου Λεωνίδας
Time to read: 1 min
Date Added: 09-06-2023
DigComp competence area:
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Save Digital Planet

Description: IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY: Students with the guidance of teachers will recognize the concepts of the subject, identify and record the ways in which energy is wasted with an increased …
Subject Area: ,
Author: Tranou, E., Matsianoudis, G., Giaou, E., Petropoulou, N., Sarri, M., E.
Time to read: 240 min
Date Added: 09-06-2023
DigComp competence area:
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Employee training in energy efficiency

Description: This interactive game in a captivating way introduces learners with individual measures that can be taken at the workplace and also household in order to lower the energy …
Subject Area: , , , ,
Time to read: 60 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
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This video is bad for climate change: Thank you for watching!

Description: A case study on digital habits and consumptions and the impact they have on climate footprint. Specifical focus is made on smartphones, data centers and networks need energy …
Subject Area: , ,
Author: TheShiftProject
Time to read: 6 min
Date Added: 08-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
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Overview of Climate Change Science

Description: This OER is a product of The EPA- Environmental Protection Agency, that explores the topic of climate change and global warming, Greenhouse Gases, Extreme Weather, the Climate Impacts …
Subject Area: ,
Author: EPA- Environmental Protection Agency
Time to read: 30 min
Date Added: 07-04-2022
DigComp competence area:
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